PETSc options for PISM users

All PETSc programs including PISM accept command line options which control how PETSc distributes jobs among parallel processors, how it solves linear systems, what additional information it provides, and so on. The PETSc manual [1] is the complete reference on these options. We list some here that are useful to PISM users. They can be mixed in any order with PISM options.

Both for PISM and PETSc options, there are ways of avoiding the inconvenience of long commands with many runtime options. Obviously, and as illustrated by examples in the previous sections, shell scripts can be set up to run PISM. But PETSc also provides two mechanisms to give runtime options without retyping at each run command.

First, the environment variable PETSC_OPTIONS can be set. For example, a sequence of runs might need the same refined grid, and you might want to know if other options are read, ignored, or misspelled. Set (in Bash):

export PETSC_OPTIONS="-Mx 101 -My 101 -Mz 51 -options_left"

The runs

pismv -test F -y 100
pismv -test G -y 100

then have the same refined grid in each run, and the runs report on which options were read.

Alternatively, the file .petscrc is always read, if present, from the directory where PISM (i.e. the PETSc program) is started. It can have a list of options, one per line. In theory, these two PETSc mechanisms (PETSC_OPTIONS and .petscrc) can be used together.

Now we address controls on how PETSc solves systems of linear equations, which uses the PETSc “KSP” component (Krylov methods). Such linear solves are needed each time the nonlinear SSA stress balance equations are used (e.g. with the option -stress_balance ssa -ssa_method fd).

Especially for solving the SSA equations with high resolution on multiple processors, it is recommended that the option -ssafd_ksp_rtol be set lower than its default value of \(10^{-5}\). For example,

mpiexec -n 8 ssa_testi -Mx 3 -My 769 -ssa_method fd

may fail to converge on a certain machine, but adding “-ssafd_ksp_rtol 1e-10” works fine.

There is also the question of solver type, using option -ssafd_ksp_type. Based on one processor evidence from ssa_testi, the following are possible choices in the sense that they work and allow convergence at some reasonable rate: cg, bicg, gmres, bcgs, cgs, tfqmr, tcqmr, and cr. It appears bicg, gmres, bcgs, and tfqmr, at least, are all among the best. The default is gmres.

Actually the KSP uses preconditioning. This aspect of the solve is critical for parallel scalability, but it gives results which are dependent on the number of processors. The preconditioner type can be chosen with -ssafd_pc_type. Several choices are possible, but for solving the ice stream and shelf equations we recommend only bjacobi, ilu, and asm. Of these it is not currently clear which is fastest; they are all about the same for ssa_testi with high tolerances (e.g. -ssafd_picard_rtol 1e-7 -ssafd_ksp_rtol 1e-12). The default (as set by PISM) is bjacobi. To force no preconditioning, which removes processor-number-dependence of results but may make the solves fail, use -ssafd_pc_type none.

For the full list of PETSc options controlling the SSAFD solver, run

ssa_testi -ssa_method fd -help | grep ssafd_ | less

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