
Announcements, blog posts and more

Photo: J. Orcutt / imaggeo
Local Fairbanks paper features PISM

As a result of the buzz around Winkelmann et al. (2015)’s modeling of the effect of full conversion of available fossil fuels in the ground into atmospheric CO2, using PISM for determining ice dynamics/response timescale, on 5 October our local paper the Fairbanks Daily News Miner featured PISM. The content is a bit warped by scientist-to-journalist transmission issues, but we are happy to have local recognition of this UAF-lead project!

What would happen in Antarctica if all fossil fuels are burned?

A new open-access paper by Ricarda Winkelmann and others uses PISM to address an admittedly extreme question: If all currently-attainable fossil fuel resources are converted to atmospheric greenhouse gases, what happens to the Antarctic Ice Sheet?

Postdoc for ESM/PISM modeler (MPI-M Hamburg)

This is a re-posting of the CRYOLIST announcement from Uwe Mikolajewicz

PISM version 0.7.1 and PETSc 3.6.1

PISM v0.7.1 was released 30 June 2015. In addition to bug fixes this version adds support for PETSc 3.6.1, which was released 22 July 2015.