PISM v0.6.2 is out

Published: Nov 6, 2014 by The PISM Authors

This minor release fixes several bugs and adds PETSc 3.5.x support.

  • Adds pressure, tauxz, tauyz diagnostics (see #280).
  • Adds PETSc 3.5 support. PISM 0.6.2 supports PETSc 3.3 through 3.5.2 (latest at the time of writing).
  • Fixes bug #281.
  • Implements -atmosphere one_station which reads scalar time-series of near-surface air temperature and precipitation and uses them throughout the domain. This atmosphere model should be used with atmosphere “modifiers” such as the lapse rate modifier.
  • Fixes ice discharge reporting (see commit 0859af56e).
  • Fixes handling of the units of the sub-shelf mass flux (see commit b1f5ed318).
  • Fixes bug #299.
  • Fixes an unreported bug in -ocean ...,delta_SMB (PISM crashed with this option).

If you have questions about installing or using PISM, you can reach UAF developers by sending an e-mail to help@pism-docs.org.


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