PISM version 0.7 is out

Published: May 12, 2015 by The PISM Authors

This release has substantial changes to the code base, but users will not see large differences. The goal of most code changes is to improve maintainability, and our speed in fixing bugs and adding features, so we ask users to update from v0.6 unless they have a good reason against it.

If you already have a git repo for pism then upgrade by doing

git fetch origin
git checkout stable0.7

in the PISM source tree. (Or get a new tagged .tar.gz or .zip at github.com/pism/pism/releases.) Then do

make install

in the build directory.

The install directions in INSTALL.md, included in the source release, should help with installation errors, but there is also an Installation Manual. Feel free to email help@pism-docs.org with installation questions; please include the failed commands and the error message(s).

Lists below give user-visible changes. For a full list of changes since v0.6, please see CHANGES.md in the source release.

Installation changes

  • Support PETSc 3.5 and require PETSc >= 3.5 for TAO-based code used in inversions.
  • Support PETSc configurations using --with-64-bit-indices=1. This is useful for very high resolution runs where individual variables (e.g. ice thickness) exceed 4Gb.
  • Require FFTW >= 3.1 to limit the amount of time spent choosing DFT algorithms.
  • Allow building PISM with GSL <= 1.15 (see issue #304).
  • Updated installation instructions for Cray systems (#316).
  • Allow building documentation on systems without full PISM prerequisites (#251).
  • Better warnings if tools are missing when building the source code browser (#137).

New physical model features

  • Implement KirchhoffEnthalpyConverter, an enthalpy converter which approximates the latent heat of fusion of ice, using Kirchhoff’s law of thermochemistry.
  • Implement -atmosphere weather_station which reads scalar time-series of near-surface air temperature and precipitation and applies them to the whole domain. Use with lapse rate corrections to add spatial variability.
  • Re-implement and document the -ocean th ocean model which uses the 3-equation sub-shelf melting parameterization (Hellmer and Olbers 1989).
  • The PDD model supports a spatially-variable standard deviation (#179) field used to model temperature variability.
  • The PDD model also supports a parameterization of the standard deviation (#265).
  • Add -atmosphere ...,frac_P, an atmosphere “modifier” that scales precipitation using a time-dependent factor read from a file. (#271).
  • Add a PETSc-based parallel version of the “fill_missing” script which can be used to fill gaps in high-resolution datasets.

New and renamed diagnostics

  • Add SIA-type shear stresses (tauxz, tauyz) and hydrostatic pressure (pressure) (#280).
  • Add bed-parallel basal shear stress (taub) and its magnitude (taub_mag) (#266).
  • New names of vector diagnostic quantities:
    • cbar was renamed to velbar_mag
    • cbase was renamed to velbase_mag
    • csurf was renamed to velsurf_mag
    • cflx was renamed to flux_mag.
  • Mass-conserving hydrology models add conservation-related scalar diagnostics (#256).
  • Add flux_divergence (#165).
  • Add uflux, vflux, the 3D horizontal ice fluxes in the X and Y direction.
  • Add hydrology diagnostics and CTS to -o_size big (#264 and #262).

Changes which might break run scripts

  • Replace -boot_file foo.nc with -bootstrap -i foo.nc (#308).
  • Rename -force_to_thk to -force_to_thickness (#268).
  • -atmosphere searise_greenland uses -atmosphere_searise_greenland_file (#263).
  • -surface ...,forcing requires ftt_mask; floating ice is not affected.
  • Remove automatic vertical grid extension.

Getting more help

Please send email to help@pism-docs.org for help with any version of PISM.


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