Input and output

PISM is a program that reads NetCDF files and then outputs NetCDF files. Table Table 21 summarizes command-line options controlling the most basic ways to input and output NetCDF files when starting and ending PISM runs.

Table 21 Basic NetCDF input and output options




Chooses a PISM output file (NetCDF format) to initialize or restart from. See section Initialization and bootstrapping.


Bootstrap from the file set using -i using heuristics to “fill in” missing fields. See section Initialization and bootstrapping.

-ssa_read_initial_guess false

Turns off reading the ubar_ssa and vbar_ssa velocities saved by a previous run using the ssa or ssa+sia stress balance (see section Choosing the stress balance).


Chooses the output file name. Default name is

-o_size size_keyword

Chooses the size of the output file to produce. Possible sizes are

  • none (no output file at all),

  • small (only variables necessary to restart PISM),

  • medium (the default, includes diagnostic quantities listed in the configuration parameter output­.sizes­.medium, if they are available in the current PISM setup),

  • big_2d (same as medium, plus variables listed in output­.sizes­.big_2d), and

  • big (same as big_2d, plus variables listed in output­.sizes­.big).

Table 22 lists the controls on what is printed to the standard output. Note the -help and -usage options for getting help at the command line.

Table 22 Options controlling PISM’s standard output




Brief descriptions of the many PISM and PETSc options. The run occurs as usual according to the other options. (The option documentation does not get listed if the run didn’t get started properly.) Use with a pipe into grep to get usefully-filtered information on options, for example pismr -help | grep cold.


Gives information about PETSc operations during the run.

-list_diagnostics all

Prints a list of all available diagnostic outputs (time series and spatial) for the run with given options and stop.

-list_diagnostics spatial

Prints a list of all available spatially-variable diagnostic outputs for the run with given options and stop.

-list_diagnostics scalar

Prints a list of all available spatially-variable diagnostic outputs for the run with given options and stop.


At the end of the run gives a performance summary and also a synopsis of the PETSc configuration in use.


At the end of the run shows an options table which will indicate if a user option was not read or was misspelled.


Short summary of PISM executable usage, without listing all the options, and without doing the run.


Increased verbosity of standard output. Usually given with an integer level; 0,1,2,3,4,5 are allowed. If given without argument then sets level 3, while -verbose 2 is the default (i.e. equivalent to no option). At the extremes, -verbose 0 produces no stdout at all, -verbose 1 prints only warnings and a few high priority messages, and -verbose 5 spews a lot of usually-undesirable stuff. -verbose 3 output regarding initialization may be useful.


Show version numbers of PETSc and PISM.

The following sections describe more input and output options, especially related to saving quantities during a run, or adding to the “diagnostic” outputs of PISM.

PISM’s I/O performance

When working with fine grids (resolutions of 2km and higher on the whole-Greenland scale, for example), the time PISM spends writing output files, spatially-varying diagnostic files, or backup files can become significant.

For fast file I/O the order of dimensions of a NetCDF variable in an output file has to match the order used by PISM in memory, so we use the time,y,x,z storage order instead of the more convenient (e.g. for NetCDF tools) order time,z,y,x.

To transpose dimensions in an existing file, use the ncpdq (“permute dimensions quickly”) tool from the NCO suite. For example, run

ncpdq -a time,z,zb,y,x

to turn (with any inconvenient storage order) into using the time,z,y,x order.

PISM also supports parallel I/O using parallel NetCDF, PnetCDF, or ParallelIO, which can give better performance in high-resolution runs.

Use the command-line option -o_format (parameter output­.format) to choose the approach to use when writing to output files (see Table 23). The netcdf4_parallel requires parallel NetCDF, pnetcdf requires PnetCDF, and pio_... require ParallelIO build with parallel NetCDF and PnetCDF. Section PISM’s build-time configuration) explains how to select these libraries when building PISM.


When built with parallel NetCDF or PnetCDF (or both) PISM attempts to choose the best way to read from input files and this logic appears to work well. This is why there is no -i_format.

Table 23 Methods of writing to output files

-o_format argument



(default); serialized I/O from rank 0 (NetCDF-3 file)


parallel I/O using NetCDF (HDF5-based NetCDF-4 file)


parallel I/O using PnetCDF (CDF5 file)


parallel I/O using ParallelIO (CDF5 file)


parallel I/O using ParallelIO (HDF5-based NetCDF-4 file)


serial I/O using ParallelIO (compressed HDF5-based NetCDF-4 file)


serial I/O using ParallelIO (using data aggregation in ParallelIO)

The ParallelIO library can aggregate data in a subset of processes used by PISM. To choose a subset, set


The CDF5 file format is a large-variable extension of the NetCDF-3 file format developed by the authors of PnetCDF. This format is supported by NetCDF since version 4.4.

We recommend performing a number of test runs to determine the best choice for your simulations.

In our test runs on 120 cores (whole Greenland setup on a 900m grid) pio_pnetcdf with output­.pio­.n_writers set to the number of cores used by PISM (120) gave the best performance.


It is important to make sure that PISM’s output files are written to a parallel file system and this file system is configured to achieve optimal performance.

On Lustre (a common parallel file systems) the theoretical throughput when writing to a file depends on the number of object storage targets used to store it: if a target can write 500 MiB/s, a file spread over 2 could be written at 1000 MiB/s assuming that we are writing to both of them at the same time, and so on.

For maximum speed we want to distribute an output file over all available targets.

To do this:

  1. Create a directory that will contain PISM output files (output_directory below).

  2. Run

    lfs setstripe -c -1 output_directory

    This sets the “stripe count” to -1, which means “all”.

    Now all files in output_directory and all its sub-directories can use all available targets.

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