Century-scale evolution of the Jakobshavn Isbræ with a high resolution regional model

Published: Mar 1, 2012 by The PISM Authors

Title Century-scale evolution of the Jakobshavn Isbræ with a high resolution regional model
Authors Daniella DellaGiustina
Venue AGU Fall Meeting 2011
Location Greenland

A new regional mode in PISM is applied to the Jakobshavn outlet glacier. This mode is best suited for high spatial resolutions (< 1 km) and short timescales (< 1000 a). The first step is the identification of a drainage basin based on the surface gradient. Boundary conditions along the basin outline then partially-isolate the outlet glacier flow from the rest of the ice sheet. The ice dynamics model applied within the basin is the full enthalpy-based, SSA-sliding model. Both slow and fast ice flow are captured, as shown by a comparison to observations.


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