PISM v1.0 is out

Published: Oct 19, 2017 by The PISM Authors

This release has substantial changes to the code base, but users will not see many large differences. The goal of most code changes was to improve modularity and usability, making PISM easier to use, maintain and extend.

User-visible changes include the following.

  • New mass transport code makes it easier to “balance the books”.
  • PISM’s grids are no longer transposed (y,x versus x,y).
  • Adds an optimized implementation of the GPBLD flow law for the Glen n=3 case.
  • Adds von Mises calving.
  • Adds more diagnostic quantities (127 spatially-variable fields and 38 scalar variables in total).
  • Better code, better documentation, more regression and verification tests.

For a more complete list of changes since v0.7, please see CHANGES.rst in the source release.

If you already have a Git repository for PISM then upgrade by doing

git fetch origin
git checkout master

in the PISM source tree. (Or get a new tagged .tar.gz or .zip at github.com/pism/pism/releases.) Then run

make install

in the build directory.

Please see the Installation Manual for detailed instructions.

Help with installation and usage is available through uaf-pism@alaska.edu.


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PISM 2.1 is out

We are pleased to announce the release of PISM v2.1.

Congrats to Constantine

Dear PISM users and developers