The 100th PISM-using paper!

Published: Jun 10, 2019 by The PISM Authors

At the end of May we found the 100th PISM-using paper:

L. B. Stap, J. Sutter, G. Knorr, M. Stärz, G. Lohmann (2019) Transient Variability of the Miocene Antarctic Ice Sheet Smaller Than Equilibrium Differences. Geophysical Research Letters 46 (8) pp. 4288–4298

See the publications page for a complete-as-far-as-we-know list of the first 100 published PISM applications, back to the first one in 2007.

We find PISM-using papers by following citations, so there may be others out there we do not know about. Authors who want to help us keep track should follow the advice at the acknowledgments documentation.

Here is one view of the PISM papers, sorted by the not-to-be-trusted “journal impact factor” of the journals in which they appear:

Plot showing PISM papers by journal impact factor

The most popular five journals for PISM papers are The Cryosphere, Journal of Glaciology, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, Nature, and Geophysical Research Letters; excellent journals all. (Figuring-out the rest of journal abbreviations is an exercise for the reader.)

It is interesting to note that only 22% of PISM-using publications have a UAF-based co-author:

Plot showing PISM papers per year, highlighting papers by UAF authors

PISM is a tool used throughout the world by scientists needing an ice sheet model, whether or not they have a connection to the UAF developers. So we appreciate NASA and NSF support here at UAF, which has always made our open-source release model possible. We continue to push PISM development in a variety of directions, and we look forward to seeing the next 100 PISM papers!

See also this GI write-up.


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