
Announcements, blog posts and more

Photo: J. Orcutt / imaggeo
MPI-M Hamburg, Germany: open postdoc for coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet model

The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) contributes to the BMBF project “From the Last Interglacial to the Anthropocene: Modeling a Complete Glacial Cycle” (PalMod,, which aims at simulating the climate from the peak of the last interglacial up to the present using comprehensive Earth System Models. Phase II of this project has an open position Postdoctoral Scientist (W073). The successful candidate will be part of a local team performing and analysing long-term transient simulations covering the last glacial and the transition into the Holocene with an interactively coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet model. Additionally, the candidate will contribute to the continued development of this model. The model system consists of the MPI-Earth system model, the ice sheet model PISM, and the solid-earth model VILMA.

AWI PostDoc: Antarctic Ice Sheets in warming climates

Dr. Lohmann’s group at AWI is seeking a postdoc to work with PISM and the multi-scale Earth system model AWI-ESM. See

PISM now uses Slack

PISM now has a Slack workspace. You can join us via the link Slack invite for PISM Help

PISM (and other source codes) go into cold storage

In February they are going to put PISM in the bottom of an old coal mine in Svalbard:

PhD Studentship: Palaeoglaciology of Eurasian Ice Sheets

Dr. Ely’s group at the University of Sheffield is advertising for a PhD student in paleo-ice sheet modeling, possibly including PISM: