
Announcements, blog posts and more

Photo: J. Orcutt / imaggeo
PISM stable0.6 is out

See the stable version page to check out a copy of the PISM stable0.6 source code. If you have already checked out the prerelease version, just do git pull and then make install in your build directory. Send email to for help with any version of PISM.

The first seven PISM PhDs

Since 2012 there have been seven Ph.D. students who have completed their degrees using PISM as a major tool in their research. The new year is a good time to feature their accomplishments on the PISM front page!

2012 was a good year for authors using PISM

In 2012 ten papers were published by scientists using PISM. The articles appeared in these journals:

New website and logo

Happy New Year!